Cougar dating tips for young cubs

Dating older women is one of the sexual fantasies and desire for most of young cubs. Most of young guys are looking desperately to date a cougar woman but they don’t know how to date a cougar woman. Dating a cougar woman isn’t that easy as they think. Even though, you are an expert in dating and dating many girls before, dating a cougar woman is quite different and you definitely need an expert tips or advice if you want to make your cougar date a successful one or you haven’t date a cougar woman before. Dating a cougar woman is fun and if everything goes right with your cougar date, you will feel and amazing cougar experience that will take you to the next level of dating and you will remember this for years. In short, this cougar dating period will become your memorable experience for your rest of your life.

Here are the best cougar dating tips for young cubs that haven’t date a cougar woman before. Follow these essential tips to impress your cougar date –

Be confident – when you are dating a cougar woman, it is more important to be confident and never lose your nerves. Cougar woman do give more importance to confident guys as compare to others. Don’t lose your confident when you are on your first cougar date. if you are not confident in your first cougar date, there is possibility that your cougar woman might think that you are confused and don’t know what to do or what not to do on your first cougar date and this will put your negative impression to your cougar date and your cougar woman might reject you.

Never bring age factor in your conversation – cougar date means you are dating an older woman than you so bring the age question in between your conversation is not quite good. It’s better to avoid any topic that includes age. Cougar woman don’t like any question that make her feel old.

Avoid any backhanded compliment – giving compliment in dating is quite obvious but you must be very alert while giving any compliment to your cougar woman. Compliments like – “wow you look pretty young or you talk like my mom” won’t be a good idea. Cougar woman knows that they are getting old and now they won’t look young as they use to be before in her twenties. So, it’s quite better to avoid anything that might hurt her and ruin your first cougar night.

Never use the word ‘C’ – dating a cougar woman means you must be very selective while saying anything to your cougar woman. Called her cougar or using the word ‘C’ is quite not a good idea and you don’t have to use this word. When you are calling her a ‘C’ it means that you are giving an indication to her that she is getting old and your dating is known as cougar dating. Some cougar woman don’t like to called cougar from there dating partner.